Legacy Habitat Management Ltd have a wide range of experience in tree removal works and large scale Tree Felling of sites in preparation for site development works. We carry out selective tree species removal such as birch, sycamore and conifer thinning as part of woodland habitat restoration works. Having executed contracts with councils, utility companies and development contractors, our expertise allows us to provide a strategic approach to all aspects of contract tree felling works including:
- Planning, logistics and project management.
- Felling operations, including both manual and mechanised tree felling.
- Stump removal.
- Timber handling, stacking and transportation.
- Wood, brash and tree crown chipping and removal.
- Ground reinstatement works
We have experience of working in a wide range of environments such as water treatment works, power stations, country parks and river banks, tailoring our approach accordingly. We can provide fully trained chainsaw operators and arborists for manual tree felling, and excavator mounted tree sheers for large scale mechanised tree removal. Processing of felled trees can be provided on site to separate tree crown and brash material from useable whole trunk timber which can be forwarded and stacked for storage or removed from site by timber wagon. Our heizomat whole tree wood chipper can process all tree crown and brash material into bio-fuel grade wood chip and transportation of this can be arranged for removal to biomass facilities.
Our sister company Legacy Firewood can remove and process timber into firewood logs or can arrange for the sale of any wood lots as timber in the round.